Feeling God’s presence

An opinion by Alex W

You see it all the time in movies. A small child kneeling at the side of the bed, hands clasped and eyes closed. A smiling still parent watches on as the child recites a learned prayer or the holding of hands around the dinner table as grace is said. As they chant the words it’s obvious that the kids have no connection to the words or understand their meaning. That was me growing up in a Christian family. While praying before going to sleep wasn’t the thing in my house, grace was. Or chanting grace was a thing and it was always about food.

That makes me think of the reasons why people pray. Is it to ask for help when catastrophe strikes? Or to thank God for some kind of miracle because we have no other way of reasoning why something happens. Well, I think that depends on your faith and your culture. Do you have a personal relationship with God, did you grow up in a family where prayer was practised or was your only knowledge of God viewed through TV? Do you have a feeling or sense of a higher being?

I always imagined Jesus and a caramel skinned, middle eastern dude in a long white kaftan. (I don’t know why, nor does my 14 year old self.) As I’ve grown up though, the times when I have really felt God’s presence is when I’m out in nature.  Walking or hiking, sitting by water or staring into the flames of a campfire. Never in a church and never in the presence of other people. Other people I know have different experiences and that’s ok.

There’s much to be said, “To be still in the sight of God.” That’s when I can have a conversation with God, remember his promise to listen and concentrate on the answers he gives me. And trust me, stilling my mind takes a herculean effort.

So to pray; 

Find your spot. Be still and silent in the sight of God, clear your mind of everything. Be open to what comes next. Everyone has their own way as long as it feels right for you.

Happy Praying

God Bless.